As part of the National Corvette Museum’s 26th Anniversary Celebration GM Bowling Green Assembly debuted for the first time actual painted panels of the two new colors for 2021 – Red Mist Metallic Tintcoat and Silver Flare Metallic. Below are photos comparing them to 2020 colors including Torch Red (which will continue for 2021), Long Beach Red and Blade Silver (which the colors replace).
During the Corvette presentation on Friday, Harlan Charles described the Silver Flare as having a ‘lot of travel’ and looking very different as you walk around the car. The Red Mist was described as a ‘firey red, brighter than some of the ones we’ve previously done.’
Harlan and Tadge indicated that the very first 2021 validation cars are in the process of being built with Silver Mist being the first, and Red Mist being the fourth – so the opportunity to ‘see’ a full car in the color is forthcoming. Those cars are pre-production and gives the team a few months to check them out before building customer cars.