The Ed and Shari Glazer Family Corvette Delivery Program


One of Ed Glazer’s fondest childhood memories is accompanying his father Malcolm to pick up their first Corvette, a silver C4.

Up until 1983, Malcolm had always purchased Cadillacs. However, in 1983, Malcolm, always keen on teaching his sons valuable business lessons, challenged 13-year-old Ed. He told him that if he could negotiate a good deal all by himself with local Chevy dealers to trade in his Cadillac Seville for a new C4 Corvette, he would buy one.

Living in Rochester, NY, Ed called every dealer in Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse to find the best deal for his father. He finally succeeded at a dealership in Syracuse, convincing the salesman to drive 90 miles to inspect the Cadillac and finalize the trade. When the salesman arrived, he asked to meet the “Mr. Glazer” he had spoken to on the phone, not realizing he had been dealing with a 13-year-old. A few days later, Ed and his dad drove together to pick up their first new Corvette. This unforgettable father-son experience sparked Ed’s lifelong love for the Corvette.

Since taking delivery of his first Corvette in 1999, Ed has owned a new Corvette almost every year, including several delivered personally at the National Corvette Museum. Notably, he even won a brand-new Z06 in a National Corvette Museum raffle. Sadly, Malcolm Glazer, passed away in 2014.

In honor of his father, Ed created the Ed and Shari Glazer Family Corvette Delivery Program. He hopes other families can share the incredible joy of taking delivery of a new Corvette with a loved one at the National Corvette Museum. The Glazer family owns the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Manchester United.

Program Offerings



We'll display a unique reader-board next to your Corvette delivery bay identifying this as a family delivery.

Personalized Floormat

A special mat will be placed with your new Corvette, denoting it as a family delivery.

Delivery Photo

Take a special Museum Delivery photo with your child or grandchild.

Branded Baseball Cap

Your child or grandchild will receive a branded baseball cap to wear.

Museum Delivery Plaque

Receive a Museum Delivery plaque to commemorate your experience.

Continue Your Corvette Legacy

To participate, when making your R8C Delivery plans with our Museum team, please let them know that you will be bringing your child or grandchild so that they can take part in the Ed and Shari Glazer Family Corvette Delivery experience.